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A Turkey goes to Whiskey for my Special Recipe.

A Turkey goes to Whiskey for my Special Recipe.

I offer you my recipe for Irish Whiskey Turkey, that I hold from my ancestors. Simple and very easy to make. However, some steps should not be left to children.

Ingredients :
- a good turkey of 5 kilos for 6 people
- a bottle of whiskey
- olive oil
- bacon bards

Alcoholic preparation!

Wrap the turkey with the bacon, tie it, salt it, pepper it and add a drizzle of olive oil.
Preheat the oven thermostat 7 for 10 minutes.
Pour yourself a glass of whiskey during this time.
Put the turkey in the oven in a baking dish.
Then pour yourself 2 glasses of whiskey and drink them.
Set the thermostat to 8 after 20 binutes to seize it.
Rock 3 beers of whiskey.
After a debi butter, stuff it open and watch the pinde bush.
Break the biscuit vault and take a good shot behind the bravate... no! the tie !
After half a view or blus, stagger to the bour.
Forget the fucking boredom and reburn... no! return! Finally put the stilt in the other direction.
To pruler the hand with the bore of the bour by closing it!
Trying to sit on a chair and get green five or six glasses of whiskey or gontraire I know blus.
Buire... no! Shine... no! Cook... no! oh yes, cook the hot party for 4 hours.
And hop five beers of blus.
Remove the oven from the binde.
Have a good gulp of whiskey.
Trying to get the bud out of the fucking pineapple again because it messed up the first time.
Pick up the pineapple that has fallen on the ground.
Wipe it with a dirty rag and shove it on a blat, or on a shard, or on a plate. Finally, we don't care.
Getting pissed off because of the fat on the barrelage... no! the tiled floor of the busine and try to get up.
Decide that we are just as well on the floor and finish the bottle of rhisky. Sleep.

Eat cold turkey with mayonnaise the next morning and clean up the mess you made in the kitchen the night before.

As you will have understood, this trick is not a real recipe but an April Fool's joke. If you drink alcohol, which is expensive, do so in moderation.

What do you think of my wacky recipe? Did you get trapped? Tell me everything in comments.