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Cheap Halloween Recipe:Witch Fingers to Devour!

Cheap Halloween Recipe:Witch Fingers to Devour!

What? You did not know it ?

Well yes... I am a witch who swallows countless magic potions!

And for Halloween, with my little wizards, we devour this horrifying recipe every year:witch fingers!

But no, it's absolutely not disgusting and my children love it! Plus, it's super quick to make, inexpensive and super tasty.

The only downside… my boys invite a lot of friends to the table that day! Follow me, I'll tell you my secret...

Cheap Halloween Recipe:Witch Fingers to Devour!

Ingredients for a 12-finger hand

- 1 puff pastry (I buy it in supermarkets)

- 6 Strasbourg sausages

- A dozen slivered almonds

- 1 egg yolk

- Ketchup (for the blood…!)

How to

1. I preheat the oven to 200°C.

2. Meanwhile, I cut the sausages in half.

3. I unroll the puff pastry and I cut 4 strips the length of the ½ sausages and a width equivalent to their diameter.

4. I wrap each piece of sausage in the puff pastry and close both sides tightly.

5. On the rounder end (the end of the sausage), I place a slivered almond that will make my fingernail.

6. I brush them with a little beaten egg yolk.

7. With a knife, I make small streaks on each finger which will represent the folds of the phalanges (to make this even more true!)

8. I bake for 20 minutes in the oven (the dough should be golden).

9. I let it cool for 10 minutes and present my plate with ketchup stains, emphasizing the cut end of the finger!


There you go, your crispy, bloody witch fingers are ready to bite into :-)

Impressive effect and cold sweats guaranteed!

Cheap Halloween Recipe:Witch Fingers to Devour!


I'm guessing you all have eggs and ketchup at home, so here's what you have left to stock up on:

- Puff pastry:230 g at €2.83 per kilo, i.e. €0.65

- 6 Knackis sausages:€5.57 per kilo, i.e. €1.17

- 1 sachet of slivered almonds of 125 g:at €12.48 per kilo, i.e. €1.56

Or an addition of €0.28 for 1 finger or €3.38 for 12 fingers!

Not to mention that you will have leftover puff pastry and almonds to make other devilish delicacies!