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Recipes:24 ideas for vitaminized and satiating winter salads to change soup

We often mistakenly think that this type of dish is reserved for sunny days, but mixed salads can be enjoyed all year round. Also as soon as a drop in temperature is felt, to change the soup, we appreciate them because they are digestible and packed with vitamins , minerals andnutrients . To take full advantage of it, on the recipe side, the mid-season salads consist of lamb’s lettuce and endives but also and above all seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes.

Tricks to give pep to your mixed salad

Contrary to appearances, salads in the winter period can be colorful, vitaminized and very nutritious. For this, it is enough to bet on certain ingredients but not just any. If you want to be original, combine sweet and savory flavors by highlighting fruits such as pear, pomegranate, mango, or citrus fruits (orange, mandarin, lime, etc.) and also dried fruits. These will bring a touch of freshness and sweetness to your salad. To spice it all up, you can make a vinaigrette sweet with honey or a tangy sauce made with cider vinegar and lemon.

Finally, to bring more indulgence and consistency to your salad, nothing like animal protein . Cheese , meat and fish , the options are numerous:if you are a fan of charcuterie, enhance your recipe with raw ham, grison meat or chorizo... And if you prefer the flavors of the sea, opt for slices of salmon, crumbled tuna, prawns, with a small quenelle of cheese with herbs, a pure delight!

Discover all our winter salad recipe ideas in our slideshow.

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