Family Encyclopedia >> Food

WTF:a restaurant in San Francisco serves meals on iPads!

Technology is an integral part of our lives, of course, but we shouldn't push it anyway... While some restaurants now forbid taking pictures of the dishes, another serves the food outright on... touch pads! Unheard of, and we wonder what the point is... It's Quince, an establishment in San Francisco, which for two of its dishes on the menu offers an iPad as a plate.

Videos of dogs to taste your truffles

The first, called A Dog in Search of Gold, consists of white truffle croquettes, which are therefore served on an iPad on which scrolls a video of truffle dogs in action by " sniffing” in the woods. It would be almost artistic… The second dish is none other than frog legs, and again, the video played on the device is not left to chance, then we see frogs in their natural habitat. Okay…

And hygiene?

One can legitimately ask the question of the hygiene of the tablets (remember that the object occupies the 5th place of the most contaminated technological devices…) but also of the maintenance, because one suspects that the blows of forks and knives shouldn't do any good on the screen... And we wouldn't like to have a bill that amounts to several hundred euros for a gesture that's a little too abrupt when slicing your meat!

And you, what do you think?