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#Bowlcake, the new top chrono royal breakfast

Black coffee, barely finished yoghurt or cold tea. Breakfast for most of us is not our forte. To combine pleasure and speed in the morning it is possible. In recent days, success has not stopped for the bowlcake, this cake that is cooked in 4 minutes, cousin of the mugcake. All the creations are there on social networks to present their homemade cake.

Recipe for one person:

• 40gr of rolled oats

• 3 tablespoons of flavored milk according to your taste (soya, almond, coconut…)

• 1 egg

• 1 teaspoon of baking powder

• 1 teaspoon of sugar (according to your desire)

Then mix this preparation in a bowl, so as to have a homogeneous paste. Add the ingredients you want to complete your cake. The main thing is to be greedy! So chocolate chips or pieces of fruit, it's up to you.

So with such a simple and delicious recipe, no more excuses for skipping breakfast.