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How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

It's butternut squash season!

In soup, stuffed, au gratin, mashed... butternut squash is simply delicious!

But let's be honest... Peeling a butternut squash is a hassle.

And what's more, it's dangerous, because you risk cutting your fingers at any moment.

Luckily, a cook buddy told me about his technique for peeling and cutting a butternut squash easily and quickly .

No need to put it in the oven, microwave or boil it!

Just follow these quick and easy steps. Watch:

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

What you need

- cutting board

- kitchen knife

- vegetable peeler

How to

1. Lay the butternut squash on its side on the cutting board.

2. Cut the upper part (including the stem) and the lower part of the squash.

3. Peel the skin of the squash with the vegetable peeler, holding it firmly with the other hand.

4. Once the squash is fully peeled, lay it on its curved side and cut it in half down the center, as pictured. Then, cut each piece in half vertically, to have 4 pieces of squash.

5. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and pulp. Now your squash is ready to be diced as desired!

6. To dice the butternut squash, lay the squash pieces on the board with the flat sides down. Then cut it into pieces of the desired size and shape.


How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

There you go, your butternut squash is peeled and cut :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

It's not that complicated, is it?

All you have to do is cook it to enjoy.

You can also either put it in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 3 days, or freeze it in an airtight container for up to 3 months.

Bonus Tips

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

- It is well known:the skin of butternut squash is tough, thick and difficult to peel.

If you want to loosen it up a bit, just use a sharp knife or fork to poke holes in the skin of the squash.

Then put it in the microwave for 2 minutes then remove it and peel it.

Did you know that you can cook spaghetti squash in the microwave?

- To remove seeds from squash, try this trick. You'll see, it's much easier and faster that way.

- Remember that the smaller the pieces, the faster your squash will cook (especially if roasting or sautéing). I usually cut it into 1/2 cm cubes to roast it. But it's up to you!

- You can discard the peelings or make vegetable chips.

- You can also put the peelings, upper and lower parts, seeds and pulp in the compost.

How to peel a butternut squash?

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

I strongly recommend that you use a good quality vegetable peeler.

To easily peel a butternut squash, I prefer to use this type of rotary vegetable peeler or this Y-shaped one.

If you don't have a vegetable peeler, you can cut the squash in half horizontally.

Then lay the cut side down on the cutting board. Then use a knife to cut the skin vertically.

How to choose a butternut squash?

To buy a good butternut squash, it's quite simple. Follow these tips from Grandma:

- its color must be as dark as possible. The darker the shade of beige that characterizes his skin, the better.

- It must not have green spots:the squash must be uniformly beige. Avoid those with stains, nicks, or cuts.

- It must be dull. Butternut squash skin should not be shiny.

- It must be heavy. Choose the squash that is heaviest relative to its size.

- It must sound hollow:tap the squash. If it sounds hollow, that's a good sign!

How to cook butternut squash

How to Cut a Butternut Squash Into Cubes EASILY.

- My favorite butternut squash recipe is this Vegetarian Recipe for Roasted Butternut Squash with Lentils and Gorgonzola by Yotam Ottolenghi. Here, it is better to choose an organic butternut squash, because you can keep the skin which is not toxic.

- If you don't want to cook your squash over high heat, which can make the edges of the squash lightly browned and crispy, you can simply cook it over low heat for a bit longer.

- You can also simply bake it in the oven. Just cut it into cubes and cook it at 180°C until the pieces are tender.

- Another solution, the slow cooker:place the whole squash (uncut) in a large slow cooker. Cook on high for 3-4 hours, or on low for 6-8 hours, until the squash is tender and cooked through.

- It is also possible to use a steamer. Then cut the squash in half lengthwise then place the two halves in the appliance and add a glass of water. Cook according to the instructions on the device.

- You can also make sautéed butternut squash. To do this, cut the squash into cubes, as explained above. Then heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the squash and sauté for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until tender.

- And to make a butternut squash soup, I recommend this delicious cream of butternut squash with coconut milk and curry.

How to store a butternut squash?

- A butternut squash (whole) should be kept in a cool, dark place to prevent it from ripening. Depending on its maturity at the time of purchase, fresh butternut squash can be stored for 1 to 3 months. Very handy, isn't it?

To discover: How To Store Your Fruits &Vegetables For Months WITHOUT A FRIDGE!

- Once diced, if you don't cook it right away, you can keep it in the fridge for a maximum of 3 days in an airtight container.

To discover: How to Store Your Fruits and Vegetables Properly? Discover the Practical Guide.

- You can also freeze the diced butternut squash on a baking sheet for 3 or 4 hours then put them in a freezer bag or an airtight container. You can keep them for 3 months.

To discover: Do you know how long you can keep food in the freezer?

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick to peel and cut a butternut squash? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!