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8 reasons to eat as a family

Eating together with the family is always the ideal picture on both television and at home. Unfortunately, this picture is not always feasible. Still, a family meal is an important part of a family, and it's wise to try and eat together at least once a day. These eight science-based reasons are proof that, whatever meal, family dinners are important.

Family dinners mean better family relationships
Eating together has the potential to strengthen family ties as it is a time of day for the whole family to be together.

Family meals lead to healthier food choices
Eating together with the family is associated with healthy eating patterns.

Eating like a family leads to better grades
Studies have shown a significant association between family dinners and academic performance.

Family dinners offer a chance to try new food
Family meals have proven to be the perfect opportunity for parents to let children try different foods and expand their tastes.

Family dinners lead to greater happiness
Research has shown that when children eat regularly with their parents, they are more likely to be emotionally strong and have better mental health.

Homemade meals promote portion control
The average restaurant meal has 60% more calories than a home-cooked meal. Moreover, the portions are larger and we eat more.

Family dinners stand for healthy children
When families eat together, young children are less likely to be overweight because these children eat regular, nutritious and home-cooked meals, and also help make those meals.

Family Diners Reduce Stress
If you have a demanding job, eating out with your family can actually make you feel less stressed.