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Heat:15 fruits and vegetables to eat to stay hydrated

In summer, temperatures sometimes reach 35°C . It is therefore necessary to ensure that you are well hydrated, at the risk of sunstroke. Indeed, when it is very hot, our body loses a lot of water through perspiration, urine and breathing. If you feel thirsty, your body is already in a state of dehydration. During this period, be sure to maintain the rhythm of one and a half liters of water to drink per day, on average. During aheat wave , it is even recommended to consume two liters.

High heat:stay hydrated with fruits and vegetables

Drink water is not the only solution to stay hydrated. For those who do not like its taste or who forget to drink daily, you can enjoy fruits and vegetables . Some contain more than 90% of their weight in water, added with vitamins and fibers. They are then perfect for quenching your thirst while enjoying a summer treat.

To enjoy fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated during the heat wave, you can eat them as they are or prepare flavored waters. To do this, slip some fruit into a carafe of water and let it steep for 4 hours minimum in the refrigerator. This drink is easy to make, it is thirst-quenching and dietary. You won't be able to live without it!

Discover the 15 fruits and vegetables to eat to stay hydrated during periods of high heat.

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