Family Encyclopedia >> Food

She makes cakes so sumptuous that you (almost) don't want to eat them

Karin Pfeiff-Boschek, her name means nothing to you, don't worry, it meant nothing to us either until a colleague wandered very recently on Instagram and discovered the account of this German woman in love with pastry and her husband Bruce, with whom she forms a happy retired couple.

Originally from Indiana, USA, he moved to Europe in September 1965 and has since lived in Germany. Karin comes from central Hesse in central Germany. They met during a French class in 1982 and as indicated in their biography on their blog Our Delicious Food , have been cooking together ever since.

Elegant Pie:creations that delight the eyes

We learn that Bruce does a lot of the cooking when Karin takes all the photos to put on the Instagram account @Karin Pfeiff-Boschek. So Bruce would be the artist hidden behind his wife who dares not assume his immense talent to create pies with absolute aestheticism? No, this is indeed a couple having merged, becoming one; a love that spills over into their creations.

But enough talk, it's time to feast your eyes.

Last thing, the couple published a book "Elegant Pie" available by clicking here.