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You must know this if you like sparkling water

You must know this if you like sparkling water

Would you rather drink water with bubbles than 'normal' water? And do you ever wonder whether drinking sparkling water is actually good for you? Then you should really read this article:we show you the possible advantages and disadvantages so that you can assess whether you should embrace that bottle of sparkling water or leave it behind…

Read also :'Is sparkling water bad for your health?'

It's really something:opening a bottle of sparkling water and hearing the bubbles hiss as soon as the cap comes off. Especially on a warm, summer day it can give you a refreshing feeling right away! Now some may think:“why the fuss, it's just water?”. But with all kinds and flavors out there today, drinking sparkling water is becoming more and more appealing. And that's not the only reason why you should drink it more often…

A healthy choice

The good news is that you can drink sparkling water every day. It's even a good alternative to soda, as it's usually calorie- and sugar-free, but gives you the same satisfaction as a glass of Coke. Even if you are used to working with diet soft drinks, it can be an advantage to switch to sparkling water, as diet soft drinks often contain more sugar than you might think.


The choice is really huge when it comes to sparkling water! Not only are there a ton of different brands, but they've all come up with a ton of flavors to make you feel like you're not just drinking water. You can also come up with your own flavors, for example by adding fruit such as lemon, raspberries or another fresh fruit to your pitcher with sparkling water. Nice if you just want something different than just water, right?

Faster full

Not only does sparkling water help keep you hydrated, it can also help you feel full faster. Drinking water often helps against a feeling of hunger anyway, but because of the carbon dioxide in your sparkling water you often feel full even faster and there is a good chance that you will get less hungry between meals.


Sparkling water also has a few caveats that you should take into account. It could make your teeth more sensitive, as the carbon dioxide can damage your tooth enamel. For example, you could use a straw to protect your teeth while drinking or drink some 'normal' water to flush out the carbon dioxide.

It is also not very wise to drink sparkling water during exercise, as it can cause stomach complaints during intensive exercise or suffer from belching. So opt for still water during your workouts and drink some sparkling water as a refreshing treat after exercise. In addition, sparkling water can also cause irritation in people with irritable bowel syndrome or a sensitive stomach, so in those cases it is better to avoid sparkling water.
