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Dapper Coffee offers drinks made with… unicorn tears!

Unicorns, always unicorns… Yes, but we love it! And a novelty dedicated to the fantastic creature stands out from the others since it is not a cosmetic, but a food product. Indeed, the Unicorn Tears drink contains, as its name suggests, unicorn tears! Imagined by the Singapore-based brand Dapper Coffee, the mixture is reminiscent of an episode of Harry Potter in which Voldemort survives thanks to the blood of a unicorn… We do not know if the tears of the fantastic animal have the power to give so much energy, but the appearance alone of the drink already seduces us! She's described as "heartfelt tears of joy from Sparkles," the brand's "purebred Mongolian" unicorn. Quite a program!

A secret recipe

The drink, which you have to “shake so that it sparkles”, has a hypnotic color:it comes in emerald green, rose gold, red and gold, and is filled with glitter (edible, of course). As for the recipe, it remains secret but we know that it contains no caffeine (apart from the gold version which is coffee-based), or alcohol. Clicknetwork, a local Asian channel, explained on its Facebook page that the blue drink smelled and tasted like lemon and was sweet. Mmm, why not? The problem is that unicorn tears can be ordered online on the Dapper Coffee website and then have to be picked up at the coffee shop in Singapore… What a pity, especially at €9.5 a bottle!

Alright, we keep hoping that such a product will arrive in Europe and until then, we can always console ourselves with the unicorn fart-based toilet deodorizer… Or not, it's up to you!