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The Essential Table For Weighing Ingredients WITHOUT Scales.

The Essential Table For Weighing Ingredients WITHOUT Scales.

How to weigh ingredients without a scale to the nearest gram (or almost)?

This is a question that I have asked myself many times while making recipes!

Especially when my kitchen scale failed me and I didn't have a measuring cup!

Fortunately, my grandmother gave me her easy tips for weighing ingredients without a scale and succeeding with her recipes.

Here is the essential table to weigh any ingredient without using a scale . Watch:

The Essential Table For Weighing Ingredients WITHOUT Scales.

  • What you need
  • Hard or melted butter
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
  • Tomato concentrate
  • Jam
  • Thick cream or cottage cheese
  • Liquid cream
  • Water
  • Flour and starch
  • Fruits &vegetables
  • Grated Gruyere cheese
  • Oil (olive, rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, etc.)
  • Milk
  • Lentils
  • Yeast
  • Liquids
  • Maizena
  • Honey
  • Grated coconut
  • Pasta
  • Nutella-style spread
  • Almond powder
  • Raisins
  • Rice
  • Salt
  • Semolina, couscous
  • Sugar
  • Icing sugar
  • Tapioca
  • Additional tips
  • Result

Click here to print this guide in PDF.

What you need

- 1 teaspoon

- 1 tablespoon

- 1 mustard glass

- 1 pot of yogurt

- 1 cup (or 1 mug)

Hard or melted butter

1 teaspoon =5g
1 tablespoon =15g
1 cup =225g


1 teaspoon =5g
1 tablespoon =10g
1 mustard glass =90 g
1 cup =110g


1 teaspoon =5g
1 tablespoon =15 g

Tomato concentrate

1 tablespoon =25 g


1 teaspoon =12g
1 tablespoon =35g

Heavy cream or cottage cheese

1 teaspoon =1.5 cl
1 tablespoon =4.5 cl
1 mustard glass =20 cl

Liquid cream

1 teaspoon =0.7 cl
1 tablespoon =2 cl
1 mustard glass =10 cl


1 teaspoon =0.05 cl
1 tablespoon =1.5 cl
1 cup =10 cl
1 pot of yogurt =15 cl
1 mustard glass =20 cl
1 bowl =35 cl

Flour and starch

1 teaspoon =3g
1 tablespoon =10g
1 pot of yoghurt =85 g
1 cup =100g

Fruits &vegetables

1 banana =120g
1 carrot =100g
1 lemon =110g
1 onion =80g
1 grapefruit =400g
1 apple =130g
1 tomato =90g

Grated Gruyère cheese

1 teaspoon =4g
1 tablespoon =12g
1 mustard glass =65 g

Oil (olive, rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, etc.)

1 teaspoon =0.04 cl
1 tablespoon =1.4 cl
1 glass of mustard =16 cl


1 teaspoon =0.05 cl
1 tablespoon =1.5 cl
1 cup =10 cl
1 pot of yogurt =15 cl
1 mustard glass =20 cl
1 bowl =35 cl


1 teaspoon =7g
1 tablespoon =20g
1 mustard glass =150 g
1 cup =210g


1 teaspoon =4 g


1 liqueur glass =3 cl or 30 ml
1 glass of champagne =12 to 15 cl or 120 to 150 ml
1 wine glass =12 to 15 cl or 120 to 150 ml
1 water glass =20 cl or 200 ml
1 coffee cup =8 to 10 cl or 80 to 100 ml
1 teaspoon =0.5 cl or 5 ml
1 tablespoon =15 cl or 150 ml
1 mustard glass =20 cl or 200 ml
So 5 mustard glasses =1 l
1 bowl =35 cl or 350 ml


1 teaspoon =10g
1 tablespoon =20g
1 cup =75g


1 teaspoon =10g
1 tablespoon =30 g

Grated coconut

1 tablespoon =5g
1 cup =75g


1 mustard glass =120 g
1 cup =150g

Nutella type spread

1 tablespoon =40 g

Almond powder

1 teaspoon =6g
1 tablespoon =15g
1 pot of yoghurt =50 g
1 mustard glass =75 g

Dried grapes

1 teaspoon =7g
1 tablespoon =20g
1 mustard glass =110 g


1 teaspoon =7g
1 tablespoon =20g
1 mustard glass =150 g
1 cup =210g


1 teaspoon =6g
1 tablespoon =15g
1 pot of yoghurt =125 g
1 mustard glass =150 g
1 cup =225
1 bowl =500g

Semolina, couscous

1 teaspoon =5g
1 tablespoon =15g
1 pot of yoghurt =90 g
1 cup =150g


1 teaspoon =6g
1 tablespoon =15g
1 pot of yoghurt =125 g
1 mustard glass =150 g
1 cup =225
1 bowl =500g

Icing sugar

1 teaspoon =4g
1 tablespoon =10g
1 mustard glass =110 g
1 cup =150g


1 tablespoon =15g
1 cup =100g

Additional stuff

1 egg =50g
1 knob of butter =5 g
1 knob of butter =15 to 20 g


The Essential Table For Weighing Ingredients WITHOUT Scales.

There you go, you now know how to weigh your ingredients without a scale :-)

Simple practical and effective!

You will be able to succeed in all your recipes, even without a scale!

And if before, you need to convert cups to grams, here is the conversion table.