Family Encyclopedia >> Food

Small crowns of Gariguette strawberries

Ingredients:6 people
  • gariguette strawberries
    600 g
  • very cold liquid cream
    20 cl
  • flaked almonds
    50 g
  • flour
    140 g
  • butter
    90 g + 10 g (baking sheet)
  • water
    12 cl 5
  • milk
    12 cl 5
  • eggs
    4 small
  • salt
    1/2 teaspoon
  • sugar
    40 g + 1 tablespoon
  • vanilla sugar
    1 packet
  • fresh mint
    1 sprig

  • Preparation time:50 minutes
  • Cooking time:20 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Put the water, milk, butter cut into pieces, salt and a spoonful of sugar in a saucepan; boil the water. At the first broth, pour in the flour all at once and stir vigorously with a spatula until the dough forms a ball.

Off the heat, add the eggs one at a time, mixing carefully. The dough should become soft and shiny and fall easily from the spoon, if not add a little beaten egg.

Preheat the oven to th.6 (180°C). Fill a pastry bag with the dough, then shape six fairly spaced crowns on a previously buttered sheet. Sprinkle with slivered almonds. Place in the oven and cook for 20 minutes, opening the oven door slightly after the first 10 minutes.

Let the crowns cool, then cut them in half lengthwise. Rinse the strawberries, dry them immediately and hull them.

In a bowl, whip the whipped cream. As soon as it begins to thicken, add the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Keep whisking until stiff.

Arrange the strawberries in the lower part of the crowns of dough, then cut their tips slightly to even them out at the same height. Using a fluted pastry bag, fill the gaps with small rosettes of whipped cream.

Cover the crowns with their tops of pastry, arrange them on dessert plates, then decorate with slices of strawberries and mint leaves.