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Cooking with CBD hemp:how to do it?

Why cook CBD?

CBD hemp is a special variety of cannabis. It is called "light" because it only contains less than 0.2% THC. CBD is different from THC. If both molecules act on the brain, CBD does not cause any psychotropic effects. CBD has many virtues and consuming it allows you to enjoy all these benefits. CBD can be found in different forms, and each form can be consumed in different ways. One of the easiest ways to consume CBD is to ingest it directly. To make this action more fun, it is possible to cook unusual dishes that contain CBD.

Cooking with CBD allows you to take advantage of the many virtues of hemp through recipes that are just as interesting as each other. It is important to note that CBD is used to treat several small daily concerns such as stress, anxiety or sleep disorders. Indeed, the consumption of CBD has relaxing effects. This substance, which is not harmful to the body, acts directly on the brain. As a result, it relaxes the muscles, calms the nerves and improves the quality of sleep. By cooking with products containing CBD, it becomes possible to enjoy these effects without having to inhale or diffuse it.

How to cook CBD?

CBD cooking is possible thanks to 3 derivative products containing CBD:CBD oil, CBD flowers and CBD crystals.

CBD oil is an oil obtained through the processing of hemp seeds. This oil can be consumed directly by placing a few drops on the tongue. However, it also exists in the form of a food supplement to be ingested. For this, it must be mixed with food. For example, if you decide to make a stew, you can pour a few drops directly into the preparation. CBD oil is also ideal for dressing dressings for your salads. It can be consumed with hot drinks, in infusion with other herbs.

CBD crystals exist in powder form, comparable to icing sugar. Their versatility is such that they can be used in all types of preparations. However, you have to be careful with the dosage. Too much CBD crystals can make your dishes taste earthy.

CBD flowers offer the greatest cooking possibility. Indeed, it is the simplest form of CBD. These are dried CBD leaves. Before being used in the kitchen, the flowers must first be heated to activate the CBD. To do this, simply put them on a baking sheet and heat them in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. They can then be used to create pesto, CBD butter or "cannabutter", or incorporated directly into cake batters or cookie doughs for sweet treats. CBD goes very well with chocolate. Its effects are exacerbated by cocoa. You can make CBD chocolate bars by melting chocolate (preferably dark) and adding the CBD flower crumbs. After cooling, you can chew on pieces of CBD chocolate.


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