Family Encyclopedia >> Food

Creamed cauliflower, steamed trout and herb jus

Ingredients:4 people
  • cauliflower
    400 g
  • milk
    1/4 liter
  • sweetened fresh cream
    250 g
  • salt
  • cayenne pepper
  • Heavy cream
    50 g
  • garden herbs (chives, chervil, dill, parsley
    2 bunches
  • olive oil
    5 tablespoons
  • trout
    2 of 300 g each
  • green salad
    4 large leaves
  • garnish:chives, chervil and dill
    4 leaves each

  • 1

Difficulty:[usr 2]

Divide the cauliflower into small florets and wash them well. Put the milk and the sweet cream in a pot. Season with salt and pepper and cook the cauliflower. It should be tender.

Add the heavy cream and puree everything. Then leave to cool.

Chop the herbs. Put them in a colander and plunge it briefly into boiling water. Refresh the herbs immediately afterwards.

Pour a little boiling water over the herbs, gently purée, add the olive oil and mix.

Lift the trout fillets and cut each fillet into 3. Place the fillets in a colander and steam them with a fish stock or lightly vinegared water.

Blanch the lettuce leaves and cool them.

Fill a small mold with mashed cauliflower and invert onto the plate. Salt the herb juice and pour it around the mash. Arrange 3 pieces of trout per plate in a triangle and decorate each plate with a sprig of chives, chervil and dill. Cut the lettuce leaves to the size of the mashed cauliflower patties, drizzle them in olive oil, allow to drain slightly and arrange on the mashed potatoes.

Creamed cauliflower, steamed trout and herb jus

New Cuisine for all seasons. Chanteclerc.