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Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

Jerusalem artichoke is a vegetable that is making a comeback.

I offer you here 5 easy recipes to cook it well.

It must be said that it is a vegetable that can be cooked in all sauces.

And its taste is really very fine:it looks a bit like artichoke.

My kids love it. But my grandmother ate too much during the war, so she had to be convinced to try it again.

That's why I turned to my cook friend to learn easy recipes and accommodate Jerusalem artichokes.

Here are 5 really easy and inexpensive seasonal recipes based on Jerusalem artichoke. Watch:

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

  • What is Jerusalem artichoke?
  • 1. Jerusalem artichoke bread
  • 2. Baked Jerusalem artichokes
  • 3. A salad of raw vegetables with Jerusalem artichoke
  • 4. Jerusalem artichoke crisps
  • 5. Jerusalem artichoke soup with nutmeg

What is Jerusalem artichoke?

But first, let me introduce you to this funny root vegetable.

We eat, in fact, the rhizome of a pretty decorative plant that dies in autumn. But its roots do not die. Even better, they extend everywhere underground.

This is why the Jerusalem artichoke harvest is easy and almost inexhaustible from the month of October.

This tuber is rich in protein and vitamins . It is even suitable for diabetics due to its inulin level.

And you want more good news? It is very low in calories:2 times less than the potato.

1. Jerusalem artichoke bread

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

It is a bread made from Jerusalem artichoke puree. It will taste like artichokes very pleasant and goes well with winter dishes.

To prepare it, you need 500g Jerusalem artichoke puree, 500g spelled or buckwheat flour, 100ml milk, 1 sachet of yeast, 1 pinch of salt.

Boil the Jerusalem artichokes, and peel them. Purée them with the milk.

Add the yeast and stir. Add the flour and knead well to obtain a smooth dough. If necessary, knead with a food processor.

Cover the dough and let it rise. Knead again and cook for at least 45 minutes at 200°C.

It is a bread that keeps very well without hardening.

2. Baked Jerusalem artichokes

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

Jerusalem artichokes are easily prepared in the oven.

Just cut them in half and put them in the oven to grill with a drizzle of olive oil and some aromatic herbs. A little chives, garlic, salt and pepper and you're done. Nothing could be easier!

The best part is that you don't even have to peel them. :cooking makes the skin very tender.

You can add other root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips or beets.

Serve the roasted Jerusalem artichokes as an accompaniment to meat or fish.

3. A salad of raw vegetables with Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

We don't necessarily think about it, but root vegetables can also be eaten as raw vegetables.

Here is an idea for a sweet and savory salad to prepare with Jerusalem artichokes.

For this you need 300 g of Jerusalem artichokes, 1 apple, the juice of an orange, 30 ml of fresh cream or cream of oats, spices and dried fruits.

Grate the apple and Jerusalem artichoke. Then mix the orange juice with the cream before pouring over the grated vegetables. Salt, pepper, spice to your taste and add some walnuts or almonds.

4. Jerusalem artichoke crisps

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

Crisps as an aperitif, I'm a fan! And even more if they are homemade with all kinds of vegetables. Because they are much less caloric than commercial ones!

That's why I wanted to try the Jerusalem artichoke chips .

Cut the Jerusalem artichokes into thin strips and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Pour a drizzle of olive oil on the slices of Jerusalem artichokes. Add spices if you like spicy chips.

Bake for 30 minutes at 130°.

These chips will keep for several months...but believe me, they will be devoured in less than two.

5. Jerusalem artichoke soup with nutmeg

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.

I don't know about you, but as soon as fall sets in, I crave good hot soups.

You don't necessarily think of Jerusalem artichoke soup, yet it's delicious. And it's in season !

To make your Jerusalem artichoke velouté, you will need:500 g of Jerusalem artichokes, 1 onion, 600 ml of vegetable stock, 200 ml of milk, 50 g of butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Cut the Jerusalem artichokes and the onion into small cubes and brown them in a large saucepan with butter. When they are translucent, add the spices to pour the broth and milk. Simmer for 15 minutes then pass in the blender to obtain a nice velvety texture.

Jerusalem Artichoke:5 Seasonal Recipes To Cook It Easily.